Page 44 - 優百科2018目錄
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                     Primary Courses
                     Primary Courses

                                 SuperKids (New Edition)

                  With Free Audio CDs
                                                                              Reduced sample pages from SuperKids 1

              SuperKids new edition is a fun and easy-to-teach
              six-level  series  for  elementary  school  children  SuperKids 新版是一套以主題式教學為軸心的教
              learning  English.  Through  lively  child  characters  材,與真實生活做緊密的結合,讓學生可以將所學
              and  an  engaging  storyline,  SuperKids  presents  的內容充分應用在日常生活中。內容設計重視聽、
              and recycles language in ways that children can   說、讀、寫四項技能,並藉由循序漸進的教學進度
              understand and use in their daily lives.          及不斷的反覆練習,讓學生熟悉文法重點及句型。
              Key Features:                                     心,老師教得順心。
                Review  and  recycle: SuperKids new  edition
                reviews  and  recycles  within  a  unit,  following  主要特色:
                every three units, at the end of each level and   不斷重複練習:單元內、每三個單元及每冊結束
                among levels thereby helping students use and     總複習,以及冊與冊之間學習主題的重複練習,
                remember what they learn.                         幫助學生有效複習學習過的語言。
                Real  world  connections: Functional  dialogs     與真實生活緊密結合:功能性對話讓學生在日常
                help students learn to communicate in their lives.  生活中輕鬆用英語溝通。跨學科單元如科學、地
                Cross-curricular units help students apply  their  理等,讓學習生活化。跨文化單元,培養學生寬
                knowledge  to  other  subjects.  Cross-cultural   廣的國際觀。
                units expand students' world view.                從字母拼讀到閱讀的紮實訓練:透過聽、說、
                Phonics  to  reading: Essential  pronunciation    讀、寫技巧的練習,建立學生發音及拼字的基
                and  spelling  ability  are  built  through  4  skills.  礎。教師手冊內所附的發音小書,訓練學生運用
                Mini  books  in  Teacher's  Guide  levels  1-3  help  發音原則,培養閱讀能力。
      優百科美語教材   students apply phonics rules to reading.          完善的配套:每單元皆有可影印的活動頁、單元
   優            Complete  teacher  support: Each  unit  con-      測驗卷、插班測驗及升級證書。
   百            tains  photocopiable  worksheets,  testsheets,
   科            placement tests and a certificate.
   教               定 價
                  Student Book(含CD二片)1-6 冊,每冊 425 元;Work Book(含CD一片)1-6 冊,每
                  冊 275 元;Teacher's Book 1-6 冊,每冊 600 元;Flash Cards 1-6 冊,每冊 1,500 元。
       26 44          Sample Pages SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5 SB6
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