Page 4 - 優百科2018目錄
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1021-CATALOG.30:CATALOG.30.qxd 2010/10/28星星星 星星 5:28 Page 20
With Free Audio CDs
Reduced sample pages from SuperTots 1b
This new, delightfully illustrat- Child-centered themes 不同的感官刺激及語言的不斷
ed, three-level series is written and vocabulary relevant to 使用而獲得。
specifically with Asian kinder- young children.
garten students in mind. Young Sounds of the alphabet SuperTots 的課程內容是以孩
children are different from introduced through familiar 子為中心來設計,讓他們從自
other learners. They are still vocabulary. 然的情境中,有效及快樂地學
learning so much about their Activities, lively songs, 習英語!
own language and the world chants, games, TPR and
around them. They learn by optional culture crafts keep 主要特色:
experiencing language again children motivated. 課本中貼近生活的情境對
and again, through all their 2-page color Picture 話。
senses. Language should be Dictionary. 吸引孩子興趣的故事及主
introduced in a natural, child- 2-page illustrated Alphabet 角。
centered context and engage Chart for teachers who want 以孩子為中心所設計的主題
the children's minds and emo- to do alphabet work with the 及字彙。
tions. children. 藉由熟悉的字彙介紹字母發
Key Features: SuperTots 是專為亞洲幼兒所 多樣化的活動、歌謠、韻
Simple, easy-to-teach 量身設計的幼稚園英語教材, 文、遊戲、TPR 及勞作,提
dialogs featured on the 內容中運用活潑生動的角色來 升孩童的學習意願。
Student Book pages. 吸引孩童的注意力。 跨頁全彩圖解詞典。
優百科美語教材 Appealing child and fantasy 跨頁字母表。
優 characters in an engaging 這個階段的幼兒學習是藉由周
百 story. 遭的環境來不斷的學習,透過
語 定 價
材 全套三級共六冊(1A-3B);學生作業合訂本(含CD及貼紙)425元,每級(Picture Cards)
204 Sample Pages SB1A SB1B SB2A SB2B SB3A SB3B