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1021-CATALOG.30:CATALOG.30.qxd 2010/10/28星星星 星星 5:48 Page 84
Longman Children's Picture
Longman Children's PictureDictionary
Reduced sample pages from the Longman Children's Picture Dictionary
Words are brought to life with a songs/chants for complete
colorful mix of photographs modeling. 主要特色:
and illustrations in this theme- Lesson notes and theme- 每單元的迷你對話提供應用
based dictionary for elemen- based board games are pro- 範例。
tary level students. The vided, plus an activity bank 由知名作者 Carolyn Graham
Longman Children's Picture complete with 800 photocopi- 親自編寫的歌曲與韻文。
Dictionary uses fun, child- able flashcards in the 每書附贈雙 CD,包含所有
centered scenes to illustrate Teacher's Resource Book. Two 字彙的發音、迷你對話、歌
800 words, organized into 50 Workbooks provide challeng- 曲及韻文。
thematic units complete with ing reinforcement exercises 教師資源手冊提供教學提
特 色
songs and chants. and come with a pull-out 示、主題式的紙上遊戲、活
answer key. 動點子庫及可自行影印的
Key Features: 800 個單字迷你閃示卡。
Mini-dialogs in each unit for 以主題式分類,搭配彩色照片 兩本作業本,提供大量的加
vocabulary substitution. 與精美插圖配合單字構成的圖 強練習,並搭配練習解答。
Songs and chants by 片辭典。以兒童為中心,運用
Carolyn Graham. 幽默的方式呈現 800 個單字,
Two CDs with all vocabu- 共分為 50 個主題並搭配歌曲與
lary, mini-dialogs, and 韻文。 優百科美語教材
定 價
美 定 價
Picture Dictionary+2CDs,420 元,教師手冊520 元,Workbook 1、2 各130 元
教 Picture Dictionary+2CDs,420 元,教師手冊 520 元,Workbook 1、2 各 130 元
每冊(with CD) 440元,教師手冊每冊600元。 材
84 201