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                      Writingriting                                                                                       1021-CATALOG.30:CATALOG.30.qxd  2010/10/28星星星  星星 5:30  Page 49

                                         Very Easy Writing                                                                                           Writing through Pictures


                                       Very Easy Writing一系列共三本單書,
                                        本系列旨在提供平易近人的學習方式,                                                                                 特 色
                                      為適合年輕英語學習者的基礎寫作課程。                                                                                 ◆ 本書用生活化的主題情境圖片,為寫作素材

                                                                                                                                         ◆ 克漏字的練習加強新單字的記憶與理解
                                Book 1 側重於字母程度,建立書寫英文字的自信。
                                                                                                                                         ◆ 重點句型的替換練習來加強句子結構的練習
                                 Book 2 強調正確拼字能力及單字在句中的位置。
                                                                                                                                         ◆ 每課另有一組圖片來增加寫作練習
                                Book 3 進一步認識英文語法模式並撰寫獨立句子。
                                                                                                                                         ◆ 教師資源有提供參考範文

                                                                                                                                          定 價

            1       Very Easy Writing  Very Easy Writing
 Very Easy Writing is a three-book series based around twelve different topics.   1  The series aims to provide an easily approached, solid foundation-level   Very Easy Writing  Very Easy Writing
 The series aims to provide an easily approached, solid foundation-level
                          Very Easy Writing is a three-book series based around twelve different topics.
 writing course for young English learners.  writing course for young English learners.                                                              My First Writing
 Book 1 focuses on the letter level, building confidence to start writing words   in English.  2
                          Book 1 focuses on the letter level, building confi  dence to start writing words
 Book 2 emphasizes correct spelling skills and the placement of words within    a sentence.
 in English.
                          Book 2 emphasizes correct spelling skills and the placement of words within
 a sentence.              Book 3 moves on to producing independent sentences with a greater
 Book 3 moves on to producing independent sentences with a greater
 awareness of English grammar patterns.  awareness of English grammar patterns.
 The whole series features fundamental language structures that are essential   The whole series features fundamental language structures that are essential
 for functioning in emergent writing environments. It provides excellent
                          for functioning in emergent writing environments. It provides excellent
 support for any classroom.  support for any classroom.                                                                                  適用對象        初學者
 Features:                 Easy-to-follow Student Book
   Easy-to-follow Student Book  Karen Ang  • Zoe Smith
     Detachable workbook for extra in-class practice or homework use      Detachable workbook for extra in-class practice or homework use
   Downloadable tests for each unit      Audio CD for modeling of key words, supplemental  p uestions for the
                           Downloadable tests for each unit
     Audio CD for modeling of key words, supplemental  p uestions for the
 opening page of each unit in the student book, and material for the tests
   Teacher’s guide with further ideas to support the use of the materials    Teacher’s guide with further ideas to support the use of the materials  Moraig Macgillivray  特 色
                          opening page of each unit in the student book, and material for the tests
                                                                                                                                         ◆ 透過有趣的故事人物角色,配合日常生活有趣的主題,激
         Adam Worcester       Karen Ang  • Zoe Smith  Moraig Macgillivray                                                                  發小朋友從頭到尾的學習動機。
 Karen Ang  • Zoe Smith  Moraig Macgillivray  Moraig Macgillivray  Adam Worcester
                      Karen Ang • Zoe Smith
                                                                                                                                         ◆ 擴展小朋友的學習字彙並建構、提升其句型;藉由強化練
                                                                       3       Very Easy Writing  Very Easy Writing
                    Very Easy Writing 1-3(SB)-cover.indd   5
                                                                                                                                         ◆ 六大步驟,完成段落寫作:
                                                   Very Easy Writing is a three-book series based around twelve different topics.   3  2012-08-28      2:10:03
                                                   The series aims to provide an easily approached, solid foundation-level
                                                   writing course for young English learners.                                               1.Warm Up    2.Word Practice    3.Grammar Practice
                                                   Book 1 focuses on the letter level, building confidence to start writing words
                                                   Book 2 emphasizes correct spelling skills and the placement of words within
                                                   in English.
                                                   a sentence.                                                                             4.Writing Practice    5.Organizing Ideas for Writing
                                                   Book 3 moves on to producing independent sentences with a greater
                    ◆   簡單易懂的課本                    awareness of English grammar patterns.
                                                   The whole series features fundamental language structures that are essential
                                                   for functioning in emergent writing environments. It provides excellent
                                                   support for any classroom.                                                              6.Final Writing
                    ◆   可拆式習作本,適合課堂練習或回家作業
                                                     Easy-to-follow Student Book         Adam Worcester                                   根據以上步驟,配合自己的想法畫出來,小朋友就能寫出屬於
                                                       Detachable workbook for extra in-class practice or homework use
                                                     Audio CD for modeling of key words, supplemental  p uestions for the
                    ◆   可下載的各單元測驗                    Downloadable tests for each unit                                                     自己的主題性段落文章;將整本書的文章集合起來,自己就是位
                                                    opening page of each unit in the student book, and material for the tests
                                                      Teacher’s guide with further ideas to support the use of the materials
        優百科美語教材     ◆   關鍵字有聲CD、課本各單元開始頁的補充問題、測驗                                Adam Worcester                                                                                                                                            優
                                                                                                                                         ◆ 搭配作業本,更可強化小朋友的學習;另外教師手冊,可                                                                      百
                      材料                                 Karen Ang  • Zoe Smith  Moraig Macgillivray  Adam Worcester
                                                                                                                                           於優百科網站的電子書專區免費下載                                                                               科
                    ◆   教師手冊將提供更多的教材使用建議                                                                                                   (。                                                                     美
                                                                                                                                          定 價                                                                                             材
                                                                                                                                             Sample Pages SB1 SB2 SB3                                                                  49
   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133